Organic Materials

Natural latex
Crab fragment
Beach action

One task of metaphysics is to carve reality into categories, while an associated task of aesthetics is to arrange reality into interesting objects.

“The longer you look at an object, the more abstract it becomes, and, ironically, the more real.” – Lucian Freud

Entwine Direction

Twisted strand
Tensile strength
Fibrous material

Certain abandoned beach objects still seem to posses some potential utility.

“Hold this rope while I dive into my soul; don’t even bother pulling it if I didn’t come up on my own.” – Ahmed Mostafa

Avoid to Wear

Blue lenses
Enhance contour
Calming effect

Blue lenses allow harmful short wavelength radiation into the eyes that can cause damage.

“This seeks to be composedly heavy but merely succeeds in attaining a considerable degree of ponderosity.” – Roy Carr

Implement Effect

According means
Definite plan
Drawing together

During the renter season there is a plethora of molded plastic objects cluttering the beach.

“Be creative while inventing ideas, but be disciplined while implementing them.” – Amit Kalantri

Blue Goggles

Observe accurately
Underlying structure
Practical difference

The variety of beach objects found is a contributive factor in their visual documentation.

“I liked it because it was soft and it didn’t hurt my eyes.” – Michael Sabala

Spidey Sandals

Buried it gets
Lost you feel
Gone forever

Lost or intentionally discarded, the environmental result is the same.

“What we believe we know may not be the truth.” – Spiderman

Contingent Being

Difference dimensions
Contrast complement
Object divide

Each morning a new batch of residual artifact debris clutters the beach. Some objects may not have full existence or value independent of the observing subject.

“The events we experience as reality are a result of activity such as consciousness, gravity and electromagnetism, which interface according to laws applying not to various individual substances, but to various formations of a singular essence.” – James Markham

Out of Water

Displaced fish
Gills desiccate
Function improperly

Beach object residue sometimes makes a cultural statement.

“When you’re a fish out of water you look for the nearest ocean.” – Anthony T. Hincks


Multiplicities spreading
Subjectification proceeding

Incongruous beach detritus questions the relationship of natural habitat and manufactured artifact. Each encounter provides information about the cultural time in play.

“We think in terms of languages and images which we did not invent, but which were given to us by our society.” – Alan Watts

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