General Systems Theory

Complex network
Interconnected system
Synergy emergence

The beach is a complex system made up of a variety of interacting components, including sand, water, waves, sunlight, and wind. These components interact to create a dynamic and ever-changing environment.

“A system is more than the sum of its parts; it is a new quality emergent upon the whole.” – Ludwig von Bertalanffy

Sand Shifting

Remaining grounded
In accordance
Natural forces

The beach is a place where we can experience the flux of life firsthand.

“Man is a being whose life is determined by the constant flux of time. This flux is not simply a matter of change, but of change itself. It is the very essence of life, and it is what makes life possible.” – Hannah Arendt

Dialectical Development

Force of change
Objective world
Rather evolving

Existence is constantly striving to develop itself.

“The dialectic is the movement of thought from one stage to another, in which each stage is both a negation of the previous stage and a step towards a higher stage.” – Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel


In time and space
Unique existence
Particular place

From an art historical perspective, the image can be seen as a commentary on the nature of perception and reality.

“All human knowledge takes the form of interpretation.” – Walter Benjamin


Processual view
Engage and transform
Contemplation or meditation

Shaping understanding, experiences and knowledge participate in the process of meaning-making.

“The world is a process in which the past is integrated with the present to create the future.” – Alfred North Whitehead


Aromatic compounds
Demand appreciation
Keep spirits safe

For many people drinking whiskey with friends is one of life’s great pleasures.

“Too much of anything is bad, but too much good whiskey is barely enough.” – Mark Twain

Active Receptivity

Engagement mode
Transcends confines
Sensory qualities

This heightened awareness of the sensory qualities of the world is accompanied by a sense of detachment from the practical concerns of everyday life.

“Art is not a matter of technique, but of vision.” – Mikel Dufrenne

Inside Pump House

Gothic structure
Constructed 1880
Dilapidated state

It just feels so old.

“In its day, the pump house was an event venue, and people would have these wild parties here. They would ride canal boats and trains and other various means to get here.” – Penn Markham


Neatly angled
Long pairings
Bushy clusters

My backyard mahonia sports spiny evergreen foliage with orange outbreaks.

“I think mahonia is a beautiful, colorful, and interesting plant!” – Sharon Galbreath

Stone Barn

All things prehending
Particular moment
Process of becoming

Events may be the basic building blocks of reality.

“Art is the expression of the human spirit in the concrete terms of the world of the senses.” – Alfred North Whitehead

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