Undivided Periods

Elementary parts
Changes of quality
Variations itself

Never saw a sun-ray shooting straight-up into a dark sky anything like this before.

“Every law in static form seems to us as a provisional installment or as a particular view of a dynamic law which alone would give us whole and definitive knowledge.” – Henri Bergson

Wire Loss

Freshly created
Seldom allowed
Position occupation

Freshly sealed asphalt in a parking garage is otherworldly.

“It is certain with me that the world exists anew every moment; that the existence of things every moment ceases and is every moment renewed.” – Jonathan Edwards

Privileged Instant

History of things
One form to another
Any moment whatever

Delineated by sensation, conceptually time is habitually divided into determinate periods of particularity.

“Time is not divided objectively in one way or another by the matter that fills it.” – Henri Bergson

Vesting in Vision

Component factors
Correlated variations
Unity of behavior

Systematizing a plurality of experiences around an intelligible core involves treating sense-data without categorization.

“Abstract movement is endangered in so far as it presupposes awareness of an objective, is borne on by that awareness, and is movement for itself.” – Maurice Merleau-Ponty

Street Parties

Common ground
Conditions together
Psychic determinants

Some venues exhibit appearances that warrant a deep perceptual dive into consciousness.

“Things are posited in one’s own consciousness, while the attitude, which is turned to the consciousness, is not directed to the things, but rather to the perception of things and the contexts that can be explored and investigated in this sphere.” – Edmund Husserl

Sequel Amplification

New dimension
Constancy hypothesis
Phenomenal field

The immediate indeterminate can become determinate under more comprehensive awareness.

“The tacit thesis of perception is that at every instant experience can be co-ordinated with that of the previous instant and that of the following, and my perspective with that of other consciousnesses.” – Maurice Merleau-Ponty

Sensuous Intuitions

Very movement
Pushed further
Operation course

A driving object captured with an articulated camera within a field of pulsating light light rays forms an aesthetic expression.

“There is more in a movement than in the successive positions attributed to the moving object, more in a becoming than in the forms passed through in turn, more in the evolution of form than the forms assumed one after another.” – Henri Bergson

Rhizomatic Approach

Semiotic chain
Nonlinear network
Power organization

Spreading towards available spaces, a metallic structure seeks its equilibrium.

“Principles of connection and heterogeneity: any point of a rhizome can be connected to anything other, and must be.” – Deleuze and Guattari

Starlings and Steam

Revision conditions
Before metaphysics
Never statically complete

Forces at work create random transcendental corroborations.

“The connection between the experience and the human being having the experience is ‘contingent’.” – Edmund Husserl

As long As

Periodic renewal
Never statically complete
Creative advance

The ever-evolving conditions of the world feed speculative inquiry.

“Nature is disclosed in sense-perception as a complex of entities.” – Alfred North Whitehead

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