Vast Ocean

Horizontal canvas
Warm embrace
Beach beauty

At the sand and water threshold, what is knowable and what isn’t becomes reduced to a more base presence by the nature of unmitigated being. The ongoing interaction and interpenetration of objective existence is intensified by the subjective response of sensory manifestation.

“It is but a marvel and privilege to be able to stand in front of that vast expanse of water and take in the alluring view in front of the eyes.” – Shejuti Pasha

Front Porch

Sit outside
Keeping cool
Socialization staple

Functionally dealing with climatic environmental conditions, the front porch also connects homeowners to neighbors and passing pedestrians.

“There is perhaps no architectural feature that conveys a sense of home, warmth and community like the front porch.” – Adrienne Gaffney


Receptive state
Engaging nature
Spiritual outlook

There is an instinctual tendency to concentrate and contemplate on a magnificent sunset. Attuned to the beauty of nature, magic transpires everyday making life more rewarding.

“For a few minutes, the sky is a spectacle of color — and then it’s over. Yet the psychological effects of admiring the sunset may persist long after the color has faded.” – Linda Wasmer Andrews

Fence Lines

Radiance variance
Space boundary
Displacement restrictions

Almost any ordinary object can become poetic under the lyrical influence of exquisite lighting conditions. In a complex of associations, the quality of consciousness is a composite of sensing and understanding.

“When an incidental color or a random fragrance takes possession of our imagination, we can unexpectedly blossom into a new entity as it gives us wings and enlightens our horizon.” – Erik Pevernagie

Desert Mobile

Time passes
Shifting sands
Changing constantly

In a way that corresponds to existing capacity, life is eternally confronted with the requirement to react to whatever external environment is presented. Emotional and rational associations based on immediate sensory perceptions and reflexive responses develop in a field of opportunity.

“The present changes the past. Looking back you do not find what you left behind.” – J Kiran Desai

Movement Empathy

Elemental components
Physiological responses
Minds and bodies

Capturing movement is always a function of a relative reference frame within a distinct environment.

“Life is a movement, a constant movement in relationship; and thought, trying to capture that movement in terms of the past, as memory, is afraid of life.” – Jiddu Krishnamurti

Susceptibility to Beauty

Absolute curiosity
Existence constitution
Enriching of life

Relative importance rests on perceived need. We empathize with certain objects and associated events that are interesting because we care about them.

“We are satisfied only when we fancy ourselves surrounded by objects and laws independent of our nature.” – George Santayana

Mud Variegation

Soil combination
Minerals and water
Fine-grained earth material

Mud consistency depends on the contents of the soil as well as the amount of water present. As a solid-fluid suspension composed of particles in a fluid, higher clay content increased the stickiness.

“The world is mud-luscious and puddle-wonderful.” – e. e. cummings

Morning Undulations

Incoming waves
Surf murmur hiss
Wonderful day

Many substantially motivated artists share a common trait: they wake up early in a relaxed and intentional way. The quiet early morning is a fantastic time to be alive.

“When you’re wide awake say it for goodness sake, it’s gonna be a great day.” – Paul Mccartney

Spatial Purpose

Mental experience
Consciousness governing
Causation existence

When driving on an interstate highway, the realm of metaphysical philosophy comes into play. Without evident causation it would be pointless to mark roads with locational guidance decision advice.

“You are an aperture through which the universe is looking at and exploring itself.” – Alan Watts

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