Aggregate Embrace

Merely empirical
Purely physical

Kant believes artistic talent is an innate productive human talent that itself belongs to nature. If this is the case, then the distinction between the value of beauty found in nature or created in art is meaningless.

“Genius is the innate mental aptitude through which nature gives the rule to art.” – Immanuel Kant

Abstractive Visualization

Intelligibility involved
Contingent moment
Diverse natures

The loop paths traversing the Bristoe Station Battlefield Heritage Park are nice little backdrops to spend an hour walking. Now severely encroached by housing developments and busy roads, this location is part of a series of Northern Virginia civil war parks featuring specific historical significance. Any historical record, as understood in the collective societal memory, is under continuous re-interpretation.

“There is still another structural moment, indeed the central moment, the reflection itself, the referral of the apprehended form to the cognitive faculties in such a way that a certain harmony can be exhibited.” – John Sallis

Distinctive Features

Exact indications
Resolvable physically
Ontological notions

Sensation is a successive process of consuming information in response to external stimuli by conveying impulses to the sensory nervous system. Knowledge is organizing stimulus input into identifiable patterns based on retention, while wisdom is implementation of such subjective construction correlations into practical application.

“The known is finite, the unknown infinite; intellectually we stand on an islet in the midst of an illimitable ocean of inexplicability.” – Thomas Henry Huxley

Striking Simultaneity

Realizable measure
Empiriometric significance
Deliverance from the moment

Although both the forces of change and causation are not directly observable as such, or even in the degree to which they might correspond to existence, they both are indicative of unknown agents executing unknown activities.

“The scientist of to-day cannot indicate the essence of the real.” – Jacques Maritain

Tight Quarters

In close proximity
Narrow cramped space
Surroundings relation

Individual autonomy is compromised in a dense environment of overwhelming social forces packed into a constricted existence field. The physical concentration of the city results in an underlying sense of freedom lost.

“I love writing from enclosed spaces: you really learn about your characters when they have tight walls to push against.” – Lauren Groff

Spring Ridge Lake

Seclude selectively
Domain of privacy
Limited access

I pass-by this appealing small delicate lake on my daily walk. Adjacent signs along the road warn that the lake is restricted, with use allowed only for residents. The capacity of an individual or group to insulate themselves from unsanctioned invasion is a fundamental justification of the state. Although the boundaries and substance of what is considered private may differ among individuals and cultures, the desire for protection seems to be a common theme of social organization.

“Psychobabble attempts to redefine the entire English language just to make a correct statement incorrect.” – Criss Jami

Reality Transfers

Expedient reduction
Individual mechanism
Accessory arrangements

Providing interesting geometric juxtapositions, graceful arcs adorn the intercity. Traveling along the edge, physically we construe a polygonal arc as a framework with relationship linkage articulations.

“By the reduction of all phenomena and their relations to a few primitive analogies, continually decreasing in number, namely the categories, the movement of thought is given a definite and fixed direction.” – Hans Vaihinger

Urban Dreams

Transform cluster
Changing perception
Alternative imagination

The city functions as a dense concentration of stimulation, unless habitual contact renders adaptive sensation apathetic. In the aware sense of immediacy, something present ensconces in terms of linear causality.

“The individual’s field of experience has a certain structure, and is shot through with meanings and affirmations.” – C. K. Ogden

Wheels Turn

Follow desired course
Drivers seat

Certain functional aspects of automotive design have remained consistent from near the beginning. The first true automobile was created in 1885/1886 by Karl Benz of Germany. Ten years later, Alfred Vacheron participanted in an automotive race with a custom fitted steering wheel considered to be the earliest deployment on a car. The operational characteristics of a human-steering system must depend on biomechanical arm operation in any potential driving motion.

“The basis of any art is simple, natural, spontaneous sensation.” – Max Weber

Nothing Becoming

Individuality of phenomena
Speculative possibilities
Establish connections

Designed to attract attention and raise awareness from a creative dimension, a sculptural light display in the airport terminal is primarily ignored by the scurrying travelers. From a broader perspective, the passing participants themselves become an inadvertent part of the overall dynamic aesthetic. The process of creation is just as valuable as anything designated as the finished product.

“From where something shows itself to be a beginning and what direction it will take both depend upon the goal.” – Hans-Georg Gadamer

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